Curriculum vitae

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Born 1983, Lives and works in Stathelle, Norway




2003 – 2006    Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo

2001 – 2003    Asker Art School

1998 – 2001    Porsgrunn High School, Drawing, Form and Color


Future Projects

2023               Commisioned work, Askøy high school


Solo Exhibitions

2022               I Know This Hurts, Gallery Fineart, Oslo

2018               Save Me, Gallery Fineart, Oslo

2017               I Need a Hero, Skien Art-Union, Skien

2016               Piece by Piece, Telemarksgalleriet, Notodden

2014               I Want to Break Free, Gallery A, Oslo

2014               How is it Going to End?, Gallery J. Aasen, Ålesund

2012               Adventures in Chaos and Logic, Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo

2011               State of Mind, Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo

2009               Force of Nature, Gallery J. Aasen, Ålesund

2008               Another Level, Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo

2007               I Have the Power, Porsgrunn Art-Union, Porsgrunn

2007               Playing by the Rules, Gallery Van Bau, Vestfossen

2005               What I Wouldn’t do for Some Action, French Culture Center, Oslo


Group and Collective Shows

2022/21/20     Summer exhibition, Gallery Fineart, Oslo

2021               As Far As My Eyes Can Sea, Bomuldsfabriken, Arendal

2021               New Works, Gallery A, Oslo

2021/20          Summer exhibition Gruppe 9, Brevik

2019/18/17     Summer exhibition Gruppe 9, Brevik

2019                Høstutstillingen, Oslo

2019/18/17     Summer exhibition Gallery Fineart, Oslo

2017               Gallery J. Aasen, Ålesund

2016/11/09     Art Copenhagen, Denmark

2016               Fremtidsfantasier, Blaafarveværket, Modum

2016/14          A-Team selection summer, Gallery A, Oslo

2014               Anniversary-exhibition, Gallery Fagerheim, Langesund

2013/12/11     Summer exhibition Gruppe 9, Brevik

2013               A-Team selection christmas 2013, Gallery A, Oslo

2012               Market, Stockholm Sweden

2010               Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo

2010               Mindgames, Statoil office space, Oslo and Trondheim

2008/07/06     Norske Bilder, City Hall Gallery, Oslo

2008               40/40, Stenersen Museum, Oslo

2008               Real, Haugar, Vestfold Art Museum, Tønsberg

2010/08/07     Summer Exhibition Gruppe 9, Brevik

2007               Tempo, Skien

2006               The Summer Exhibition, Seljord

2006               The June Exhibition, Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo

2006               Final year show, Academy of Fine Arts, Stenersen Museum, Oslo

2006               Sørlandsutstillingen

2005               What I Wouldn’t do for Some Action, French Culture Center, Oslo

2005               Adundas, Gallery Van Bau, Vestfossen

2005/03          Høstutstillingen, Oslo

2004               Robots Don´t Die, Gallery 21:24 og 21:25, Oslo

2004               Høstutstillingens Utvalgte, Sandefjord    

2003               Kom Kyra, Final Year Show Asker Art-School, Soria-Moria, Oslo


Commissioned Work

2022               Ottestad swimming-hall, Stange

2022               Bamble high school, Stathelle

2021               Vormsund high school, Vormsund

2019               Sauland children- and secondary school, Sauland

2017               Høle children- and secondary school, Sandnes

2016               Roskilde cathedral School, Danmark

2014               Norways Geotechnical Institute, Oslo

2014               Do You See What I See?, Facade Oslo S

2013               Andøya airbase, Andenes

2012               Skagerak Energi, Porsgrunn

2011               UiO, University of Oslo

2011               Troll A oil platform, The North Sea

2008               Porsgrunn Hospital, Porsgrunn

2007               Mæla high school, Skien

2007               Bøler sports hall, Oslo

2007               Klevstrand elementary school, Porsgrunn


Commissioned Work in collaboration with Espen Henningsen

2020               Drammen Business Center, Drammen

2019               Formues forvaltning, Bergen

2017               Gystadmarka secondary school, Jessheim

2015               Lisleby sports-hall, Fredrikstad

2013               Strømmen high school, Strømmen

2013               Sam Eyde high school, Arendal

2012               The War School, Linderud

2011               NSB school, Drammen

2011               Drammen high school

2010               Rønholt youth club, Rønholt

2010               Vestby high school

2009               St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim

2008               Price Waterhouse Coopers, Oslo

2007               Formues forvaltning, Oslo


Awards and Grants

2012               Government diverse grant

2010               Vederlagsfondet grant

2009               Government diverse grant

2007               Government grant 2-years

2006               Government establishing grant    

2004               Artist in residence at Citè des Arts, Paris, 3 months

2003               The French Award, at Høstutstillingen


Represented in collections

2006               Statoil

2006               Norwgian Art Council

2005               Skien Art Union

2004               Bamble Municipality
